Monday, April 8, 2013

Due April 23: DLM Chapters 11 & 12

DLM Ch. 11 & 12 Due: April 23

Directions: You will read the following chapter from "Deaf Like Me" book (written by Thomas S.
Spradley, James P. Spradley, and Lynn Spradley). You will post your "journal." Your first paragraph
will be a brief 2 - 3 sentence summary of the chapters you read. Your second paragraph you will
include your thoughts/ideas/opinions about this chapter. How does it make you feel? What did you
already know? What was new to you? Imagine yourself...? This sections needs to be approximately
8 - 10 sentences. After you do this post you will then read your peer students post. You will then reply
to one other peer post ... do not just say "nice job," or "I agree;" you can say that but tell me why!
These replies to your peers should be between 3 and 5 sentences.


  1. A lot of time is spent with Lynn's parents concentrating on receptive and expressive language. Lynn is then off to her first school, Jane Brooks School for the Deaf.

    They have worked really hard with Lynn trying to show her what it feels like to talk and looking in mirrors to see herself move her own mouth. I feel like they are really doing their best to help her understand the process of learning how to talk or understand how to get her point across to them. Even though she can't speak to let her parents know what she wants I think the picture books are a great addition in the learning process. I imagine that when they first went to the school it must have been a shock and sad to think how much more work was going to be involved with teaching Lynn. I think they thought it was going to be easier than it actually will be.

    1. I agree with Bobby on the fact that the parents thought it was going to be easier than it is going to be. I also think that when Louise watched Lynn in class for the first time, and saw how much forward progress the teachers have made with Lynn, they knew that this was the right place for her. They also felt a relief that Lynn can learn and will be able to talk.

    2. I agree with you that it must have been a shock for Lynn's parents to see the deaf school. But i also believe it was a sign a relief for them, now they will be getting a lot of help and they know Lynn will only prosper from here.

    3. I think what they did was good with the mirror. I think the picture book method was good as well.

  2. In these chapters Lynn spends time with her family. Her family is still trying to help her with words and the language. At the age of two and a half Lynn starts school for the first time. She says her first word, which was Bruuu. She was trying to say her brothers name Bruce.

    I like how Lynn started school at the age of two and a half. This shows that Lynn's parents have been doing their research and want the best for her. If I had a profoundly deaf child, I would be doing the same thing that Lynn's parents are. Starting in school as soon as possible, researching things that could help Lynn talk, and other things. If I didn't know better I would not have guessed that Lynn's parents would be like this. Usually young adults that have kids don't have very much money, and time on their hands. Lynn's parents put all their efforts into helping Lynn which I think means a lot. It also must be hard on Bruce with Lynn getting all the attention, but he actually helped Lynn make her first sound.

    1. I agree with you completely. I feel Lynn's parents should earn parents of the year award. I also agree that I would put my child into school asap and I would be there with them every step of the way trying to educate myself in every way. I am so happy for Lynn and I am happy she was born to such a great, caring family.

  3. I was thinking the same thing about Bruce. It must be hard to be in his situation. Not only is he probably the last to get any attention from his parents but I imagine that he cannot communicate with Lynn either so that would be hard to have a sibling that you can't talk to or play with like I could with my sister. He must have been happy that he did help her with her first sound.

  4. In these chapters Lynn and her parents are working hard to get her to understand and speak. Lynn finally says her first word, Bru, trying to say Bruce. Lynn also attends her first school, a deaf school.

    I feel that Lynn's parents are really doing such a great job, I don't know if anyone in their situation would be doing this well. I think it is great that they use the mirror technique and books. Also I feel it is normal that Lynn's first word was Bru and not Bruce. I can relate to her very well because my first word was Harra, trying to say my older brother's name, Harris. Lynn is lucky to have such a supportive family, not all deaf children born to hearing parents have the opportunities Lynn does, especially with going to a deaf school. Many deaf kids are mainstreamed and struggle through school. Here Lynn and her family will be educated a lot of Deafness and it will benefit them extremely.

    1. I agree her parents are doing a good job with their techniques. I think it's cute that you included a personal experience to relate.

  5. In this chapters you meet Janet who becomes a friend of Lynn. Bruce helps Lynn learn to blow a whistle and than a candle. Lynn said her first word which was her brothers name.

    I think these chapters were my favorites because it shows major mile stones for Lynn. I think these 2 chapter show how great of parents Tom and Louise are and how great they are doing with Lynn. I could tell that they have done a good job helping Lynn lip read and work on sounds and colors. I think the lessons they had on the wind was good because she might not have made the connection yet on what it is or how it is used. Bruce was so cute when he was so interested in teaching Lynn how to blow the whistle. I bet their parents are so glad to have Bruce to help them with Lynn and to be so patient with everything. By how it is described Lynn seems to love her school and actively participates in each activity in school. It was the sweetest thing when her first words were Bru (Bruce) her brother will probably remember that always.
